A Few Current Representatives
Congressman Charles B. Rangel
Picture courtesy of http://www.friendsofjct.org/crangel.html |
**Rangel Fellowship at the International Affairs Program in Howard University with help from the State Department
In 2005, the Rangel Fellowship offers 10 lucky college graduates a fellowship to study for their masters in International Affairs at any university. The fellowship provides $28,000 a year for tuition and other costs. The Rangel Fellow graduate will be eligible to enter the Foreign Service.
Established to diversify the nation's representation abroad, the fellowship includes a six week summer Enrichment Program that includes courses at Howard University, introduction to State Department and national security agencies through guided tours. This summer program is also open to 35 undergrads.
Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell (68th Assembly District)
Photo from the NY State Assembly at www.assembly.state.ny.us/mem/?ad=068 |
State Senator Olga Mendez (28th State Senatorial Desitrict)
Picture from east-harlem.com |