About Us
About the Authors

         This website was created by Karla Brown, Annie Chen, Asad Choudhury, Antonia Florio, Shivanie Latchman, Roger Ly, Adam Rose, Elena Ruse, Drew Stahl-David, and Flory Wong.  We attend the CUNY Honors College at City College and are enrolled in a class called “The Peopling of New York.”

Clockwise: Asad, Elena, Annie, Adam, Antonia, and Karla in El Barrio

Professor Gabriel Haslip-Viera

         We would like to thank Professor Gabriel Haslip-Viera, IT Fellow Meghan Duffy, Mr. James De La Vega, and Mr. Edgar Santana for their help and cooperation.  In particular, without the guidance of Professor Haslip-Viera and Ms. Duffy, this website would not have been possible.

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